Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
AddFile file fileset | |
Add a new file to a fileset in Vivado. More... | |
AddHogFiles libraries properties filesets | |
Add libraries, properties and filesets to the project. More... | |
Returns a dictionary for the allowed properties for each file type. More... | |
BinaryStepName part | |
# Returns the step name for the stage that produces the binary file More... | |
CheckSyntax project_name repo_path ?project_file? | |
CloseProject | |
CompareVersions ver1 ver2 | |
Compare two semantic versions. More... | |
CheckExtraFiles libraries | |
CheckLatestHogRelease ?repo_path? | |
CheckYmlRef repo_path allow_failure | |
Checks that "ref" in .gitlab-ci.yml actually matches the hog.yml file in the. More... | |
CompareLibDicts proj_libs list_libs proj_sets list_sets proj_props list_props ?severity? ?outFile? ?extraFiles? | |
Compare the contents of two dictionaries. More... | |
CompareVHDL file1 file2 | |
Compare two VHDL files ignoring spaces and comments. More... | |
Copy i_dirs o_dir | |
CopyIPbusXMLs proj_dir path dst ?xml_version? ?xml_sha? ?use_ipbus_sw? ?generate? | |
Read a XML list file and copy files to destination. More... | |
DescriptionFromConf conf_file | |
Returns the description from the hog.conf file. The description is the comment in the second line stripped of the hashes If the description contains the word test, Test or TEST, then "test" is simply returned. This is used to avoid printing them in ListProjects unless -all is specified. More... | |
DictGet dictName keyName ?default? | |
Returns the value in a Tcl dictionary corresponding to the chosen key. More... | |
DoxygenVersion target_version | |
Checks the Doxygen version installed in this machine. More... | |
eos command ?attempt? | |
Handle eos commands. More... | |
Execute args | |
Handle shell commands. More... | |
ExecuteRet args | |
Handle shell commands. More... | |
ExtractVersionFromTag tag | |
Tags the repository with a new version calculated on the basis of the previous tags. More... | |
FileCommitted File | |
Checks if file was committed into the repository. More... | |
FindCommonGitChild SHA1 SHA2 | |
findFiles basedir pattern | |
FindFileType file_name | |
FindNewestVersion versions | |
FindVhdlVersion file_name | |
Set VHDL version to 2008 for *.vhd files. More... | |
FormatGeneric generic | |
Format a generic to a 32 bit verilog style hex number, e.g. take in ea8394c and return 32'h0ea8394c. More... | |
GenerateBitstream ?run_folder? ?repo_path? ?njobs? | |
GenerateQsysSystem qsysFile commandOpts | |
Function used to generate a qsys system from a .qsys file. The procedure adds the generated IPs to the project. More... | |
GenericToSimulatorString prop_dict target | |
GetConfFiles proj_dir | |
GetCustomCommands ?directory? ?ret_commands? | |
GetDateAndTime commit | |
GetFile file fileset | |
Gets a list of files contained in the current fileset that match a file name (passed as parameter) More... | |
GetFileGenerics filename ?entity? | |
Extract the generics from a file. More... | |
GetGenericsFromConf proj_dir ?sim? | |
Gets custom generics from hog|sim.conf. More... | |
GetSimsetGenericsFromConf proj_dir | |
Gets all custom <simset>:generics from sim.conf. More... | |
GetGroupName proj_dir repo_dir | |
GetHogDescribe sha ?repo_path? | |
GetHogFiles args | |
Extract files, libraries and properties from the project's list files. More... | |
GetIDECommand proj_conf | |
GetIDEFromConf conf_file | |
GetIDEName | |
GetIDEVersion | |
GetLinkedFile link_file | |
Returns the real file linked by a soft link. More... | |
GetMaxThreads proj_dir | |
Gets MAX number of Threads property from property.conf file in Top/$proj_name directory. More... | |
GetModifiedFiles ?repo_path? ?pattern? | |
Get a list of all modified the files matching then pattern. More... | |
GetOptions argv parameters | |
GetProjectFiles ?project_file? | |
GetProjectFlavour proj_name | |
GetProjectVersion proj_dir repo_path ?ext_path? ?sim? | |
GetRepoVersions proj_dir repo_path ?ext_path? ?sim? | |
GetSHA ?path? | |
Get git SHA of a subset of list file. More... | |
GetSimulators | |
Returns the list of Simulators supported by Vivado. More... | |
GetTopFile | |
Return the path to the active top file. More... | |
GetTopModule | |
Return the name of the active top module. More... | |
GetVer path ?force_develop? | |
Get git version and commit hash of a subset of files. More... | |
GetVerFromSHA SHA repo_path ?force_develop? | |
Get git version and commit hash of a specific commit give the SHA. More... | |
Git command ?files? | |
Handle git commands. More... | |
GetModuleName filename | |
GetVerilogGenerics file | |
GetVhdlGenerics file ?entity? | |
GitRet command ?files? | |
Handle git commands without causing an error if ret is not 0. More... | |
GitVersion target_version | |
Check git version installed in this machine. More... | |
HandleIP what_to_do xci_file ip_path repo_path ?gen_dir? ?force? | |
Copy IP generated files from/to a remote o local directory (possibly EOS) More... | |
HexVersionToString version | |
ImportTclLib | |
InitLauncher script tcl_path parameters usage argv | |
IsCommitAncestor ancestor commit | |
IsDiamond | |
IsLibero | |
Returns true if the IDE is MicroSemi Libero. More... | |
IsInList element list ?regex? | |
IsISE | |
Returns true, if the IDE is ISE/PlanAhead. More... | |
IsQuartus | |
Returns true, if IDE is Quartus. More... | |
IsRelativePath path | |
IsSynplify | |
Returns true if the Synthesis tool is Synplify. More... | |
IsTclsh | |
Returns true, if we are in tclsh. More... | |
IsVersal part | |
Find out if the given Xilinx part is a Vesal chip. More... | |
IsVivado | |
Returns true, if the IDE is Vivado. More... | |
IsXilinx | |
Return true, if the IDE is Xilinx (Vivado or ISE) More... | |
IsZynq part | |
Find out if the given Xilinx part is a Vesal chip. More... | |
LaunchImplementation reset do_create run_folder project_name ?repo_path? ?njobs? ?do_bitstream? | |
LaunchSimulation project_name lib_path ?simsets? ?repo_path? | |
LaunchSynthesis reset do_create run_folder project_name ?repo_path? ?ext_path? ?njobs? | |
ListProjects ?repo_path? ?print? ?ret_conf? | |
Logo ?repo_path? | |
Md5Sum file_name | |
Evaluates the md5 sum of a file. More... | |
MergeDict dict0 dict1 | |
Merges two tcl dictionaries of lists. More... | |
MoveElementToEnd inputList element | |
Msg level msg ?title? | |
The Hog Printout Msg function. More... | |
MsgAndLog msg ?severity? ?outFile? | |
Prints a message with selected severity and optionally write into a log file. More... | |
OpenProject project_file repo_path | |
OS | |
Return the operative system name. More... | |
Parse JSON file. More... | |
ProjectExists project ?repo_path? | |
ReadConf file_name | |
ReadExtraFileList extra_file_name | |
Function used to read the list of files generated at creation time by tcl scripts in Project/proj/.hog/extra.files. More... | |
ReadListFile args | |
Read a list file and return a list of three dictionaries. More... | |
Relative base dst | |
Returns the destination path relative to base. More... | |
RelativeLocal pathName filePath | |
Returns the path of filePath relative to pathName. More... | |
RemoveDuplicates mydict | |
Remove duplicates in a dictionary. More... | |
ResetRepoFiles reset_file | |
RestoreModifiedFiles ?repo_path? ?pattern? | |
Restore with checkout – the files specified in pattern. More... | |
SearchHogProjects dir | |
SetGenericsSimulation repo_path proj_dir target | |
Sets the generics in all the sim.conf simulation file sets. More... | |
SetTopProperty top_module fileset | |
set the top module as top module in the chosen fileset More... | |
Returns a list of Vivado properties that expect a PATH for value. More... | |
WriteConf file_name config ?comment? | |
Write a property configuration file from a dictionary. More... | |
WriteGenerics mode repo_path design date timee commit version top_hash top_ver hog_hash hog_ver cons_ver cons_hash libs vers hashes ext_names ext_hashes user_ip_repos user_ip_vers user_ip_hashes flavour ?xml_ver? ?xml_hash? | |
WriteGenericsToBdIPs mode repo_path proj generic_string | |
Applies generic values to IPs within block designs. More... | |
GetGenericFormatFromXciXML generic_name xml_file | |
GetGenericFormatFromXci generic_name xci_file | |
WriteGitLabCIYAML proj_name ?ci_conf? | |
Returns the gitlab-ci.yml snippet for a CI stage and a defined project. More... | |
WriteListFiles libs props list_path repo_path ? $ext_path? | |
WriteSimListFiles libs props simsets list_path repo_path | |
WriteToFile File msg | |
Write into a file, and if the file exists, it will append the string. More... | |
WriteUtilizationSummary input output project_name run | |
Function Documentation
◆ AddFile()
AddFile | file fileset | ||
◆ AddHogFiles()
AddHogFiles | libraries properties filesets | ||
Add libraries, properties and filesets to the project.
- Parameters
[in] libraries has library name as keys and a list of filenames as values [in] properties has as file names as keys and a list of properties as values [in] filesets has fileset name as keys and a list of libraries as values
◆ BinaryStepName()
BinaryStepName | part | ||
# Returns the step name for the stage that produces the binary file
Projects using Versal chips have a different step for producing the binary file, we use this function to take that into account
- Parameters
[out] 1 if it's Versal 0 if it's not [in] part The FPGA part
◆ CheckExtraFiles()
◆ CheckLatestHogRelease()
◆ CheckSyntax()
◆ CheckYmlRef()
CheckYmlRef | repo_path allow_failure | ||
◆ CloseProject()
◆ CompareLibDicts()
CompareLibDicts | proj_libs list_libs proj_sets list_sets proj_props list_props ?severity? ?outFile? ?extraFiles? | ||
Compare the contents of two dictionaries.
- Parameters
[in] proj_libs The dictionary of libraries in the project [in] list_libs The dictionary of libraries in list files [in] proj_sets The dictionary of filesets in the project [in] list_sets The dictionary of filesets in list files [in] proj_props The dictionary of file properties in the project [in] list_props The dictionary of file pproperties in list files [in] severity The severity of the message in case a file is not found (Default: CriticalWarning) [in] outFile The output log file, to write the messages (Default "") [in] extraFiles The dictionary of extra files generated a creation time (Default "")
- Returns
- n_diffs The number of differences
- extra_files Remaining list of extra files
◆ CompareVersions()
CompareVersions | ver1 ver2 | ||
Compare two semantic versions.
- Parameters
[in] ver1 a list of 3 numbers M m p [in] ver2 a list of 3 numbers M m p
In case the ver1 or ver2 are in the format vX.Y.Z rather than a list, they will be converted. If one of the tags is an empty string it will be considered as 0.0.0
- Returns
- Returns 1 ver1 is greater than ver2, 0 if they are equal, and -1 if ver2 is greater than ver1
◆ CompareVHDL()
CompareVHDL | file1 file2 | ||
◆ Copy()
◆ CopyIPbusXMLs()
CopyIPbusXMLs | proj_dir path dst ?xml_version? ?xml_sha? ?use_ipbus_sw? ?generate? | ||
Read a XML list file and copy files to destination.
Additional information is provided with text separated from the file name with one or more spaces
- Parameters
[in] proj_dir project path, path containing the ./list directory containing at least a list file with .ipb extention [in] path the path the XML files are referred to in the list file [in] dst the path the XML files must be copied to [in] xml_version the M.m.p version to be used to replace the VERSION placeholder in any of the xml files [in] xml_sha the Git-SHA to be used to replace the GIT_SHA placeholder in any of the xml files [in] use_ipbus_sw if set to 1, use the IPbus sw to generate or check the vhdl files [in] generate if set to 1, tells the function to generate the VHDL decode address files rather than check them
◆ DescriptionFromConf()
DescriptionFromConf | conf_file | ||
Returns the description from the hog.conf file. The description is the comment in the second line stripped of the hashes If the description contains the word test, Test or TEST, then "test" is simply returned. This is used to avoid printing them in ListProjects unless -all is specified.
- Parameters
[in] conf_file the path to the hog.conf file
◆ DictGet()
DictGet | dictName keyName ?default? | ||
Returns the value in a Tcl dictionary corresponding to the chosen key.
- Parameters
[in] dictName the name of the dictionary [in] keyName the name of the key [in] default the default value to be returned if the key is not found (default "")
- Returns
- The value in the dictionary corresponding to the provided key
◆ DoxygenVersion()
DoxygenVersion | target_version | ||
◆ eos()
eos | command ?attempt? | ||
Handle eos commands.
It can be used with lassign like this: lassign [eos <eos command> ] ret result
- Parameters
[in] command the EOS command to be run, e.g. ls, cp, mv, rm [in] attempt (default 0) how many times the command should be attempted in case of failure
- Returns
- a list of 2 elements: the return value (0 if no error occurred) and the output of the EOS command
◆ Execute()
Execute | args | ||
◆ ExecuteRet()
ExecuteRet | args | ||
◆ ExtractVersionFromTag()
ExtractVersionFromTag | tag | ||
◆ FileCommitted()
FileCommitted | File | ||
◆ FindCommonGitChild()
◆ findFiles()
◆ FindFileType()
◆ FindNewestVersion()
◆ FindVhdlVersion()
FindVhdlVersion | file_name | ||
◆ FormatGeneric()
FormatGeneric | generic | ||
◆ GenerateBitstream()
◆ GenerateQsysSystem()
GenerateQsysSystem | qsysFile commandOpts | ||
Function used to generate a qsys system from a .qsys file. The procedure adds the generated IPs to the project.
- Parameters
[in] qsysFile the Intel Platform Designed file (.qsys), containing the system to be generated [in] commandOpts the command options to be used during system generation as they are in qsys-generate options
◆ GenericToSimulatorString()
GenericToSimulatorString | prop_dict target | ||
◆ GetConfFiles()
GetConfFiles | proj_dir | ||
Get the configuration files to create a Hog project
- Parameters
[in] proj_dir The project directory containing the conf file or the the tcl file
- Returns
- [in] a list containing the full path of the hog.conf, sim.conf, pre-creation.tcl, post-creation.tcl and proj.tcl files
◆ GetCustomCommands()
◆ GetDateAndTime()
GetDateAndTime | commit | ||
◆ GetFile()
GetFile | file fileset | ||
Gets a list of files contained in the current fileset that match a file name (passed as parameter)
The file name is matched against the input parameter.
- Parameters
[in] file name (or part of it) [in] fileset name
- Returns
- a list of files matching the parameter in the chosen fileset
◆ GetFileGenerics()
GetFileGenerics | filename ?entity? | ||
◆ GetGenericFormatFromXci()
GetGenericFormatFromXci | generic_name xci_file | ||
◆ GetGenericFormatFromXciXML()
GetGenericFormatFromXciXML | generic_name xml_file | ||
◆ GetGenericsFromConf()
GetGenericsFromConf | proj_dir ?sim? | ||
◆ GetGroupName()
GetGroupName | proj_dir repo_dir | ||
◆ GetHogDescribe()
GetHogDescribe | sha ?repo_path? | ||
◆ GetHogFiles()
GetHogFiles | args | ||
Extract files, libraries and properties from the project's list files.
- Parameters
[in] args The arguments are <list_path> <repository path>[options] - list_path path to the list file directory Options:
- -list_files <List files> the file wildcard, if not specified all Hog list files will be looked for
- -sha_mode forwarded to ReadListFile, see there for info
- -ext_path <external path> path for external libraries forwarded to ReadListFile
- Returns
- a list of 3 dictionaries: libraries and properties
- libraries has library name as keys and a list of filenames as values
- properties has as file names as keys and a list of properties as values
- filesets has the fileset name as keys and the correspondent list of libraries as values (significant only for simulations)
◆ GetIDECommand()
◆ GetIDEFromConf()
GetIDEFromConf | conf_file | ||
◆ GetIDEName()
◆ GetIDEVersion()
GetIDEVersion |
◆ GetLinkedFile()
GetLinkedFile | link_file | ||
◆ GetMaxThreads()
GetMaxThreads | proj_dir | ||
◆ GetModifiedFiles()
GetModifiedFiles | ?repo_path? ?pattern? | ||
◆ GetModuleName()
◆ GetOptions()
◆ GetProjectFiles()
GetProjectFiles | ?project_file? | ||
@ brief Returns a list of 7 dictionaries: libraries, properties, constraints, and filesets for sources and simulations
The returned dictionaries are libraries, properties, simlibraries, constraints, srcsets, simsets, consets
- libraries and simlibraries have the library name as keys and a list of filenames as values
- properties has as file names as keys and a list of properties as values
- constraints is a dictionary with a single key (sources.con) and a list of constraint files as value
- srcsets is a dictionary with a fileset name as a key (e.g. sources_1) and a list of libraries as value
- simsets is a dictionary with a simset name as a key (e.g. sim_1) and a list of libraries as value
- consets is a dictionary with a constraints file sets name as a key (e.g. constr_1) and a list of constraint "libraries" (sources.con)
Files, libraries and properties are extracted from the current project
- Parameters
[in] project_file The project file (for Libero and Diamond)
- Returns
- A list of 7 dictionaries: libraries, properties, constraints, and filesets for sources and simulations
◆ GetProjectFlavour()
GetProjectFlavour | proj_name | ||
◆ GetProjectVersion()
GetProjectVersion | proj_dir repo_path ?ext_path? ?sim? | ||
Get the project version
- Parameters
[in] proj_dir The top folder of the project of which all the version must be calculated [in] repo_path The top folder of the repository [in] ext_path path for external libraries [in] sim if enabled, check the version also for the simulation files
- Returns
- returns the project version
◆ GetRepoVersions()
GetRepoVersions | proj_dir repo_path ?ext_path? ?sim? | ||
Get the versions for all libraries, submodules, etc. for a given project
- Parameters
[in] proj_dir The project directory containing the conf file or the the tcl file [in] repo_path top path of the repository [in] ext_path path for external libraries [in] sim if enabled, check the version also for the simulation files
- Returns
- a list containing all the versions: global, top (hog.conf, pre and post tcl scripts, etc.), constraints, libraries, submodules, external, ipbus xml, user ip repos
◆ GetSHA()
GetSHA | ?path? | ||
◆ GetSimsetGenericsFromConf()
GetSimsetGenericsFromConf | proj_dir | ||
◆ GetSimulators()
GetSimulators |
◆ GetTopFile()
◆ GetTopModule()
◆ GetVer()
GetVer | path ?force_develop? | ||
◆ GetVerFromSHA()
GetVerFromSHA | SHA repo_path ?force_develop? | ||
Get git version and commit hash of a specific commit give the SHA.
- Parameters
[in] SHA the git SHA of the commit [in] repo_path the path of the repository, this is used to open the Top/repo.conf file [in] force_develop Force a tag for the develop branch (increase m)
- Returns
- a list: the git SHA, the version in hex format
◆ GetVerilogGenerics()
GetVerilogGenerics | file | ||
◆ GetVhdlGenerics()
GetVhdlGenerics | file ?entity? | ||
◆ Git()
Git | command ?files? | ||
Handle git commands.
- Parameters
[in] command the git command to be run including refs (branch, tags, sha, etc.), except files. [in] files files given to git as argument. They will always be separated with – to avoid weird accidents
- Returns
- the output of the git command
◆ GitRet()
GitRet | command ?files? | ||
Handle git commands without causing an error if ret is not 0.
It can be used with lassign like this: lassign [GitRet <git command> <possibly files> ] ret result
- Parameters
[in] command the git command to be run including refs (branch, tags, sha, etc.), except files. [in] files files given to git as argument. They will always be separated with – to avoid weird accidents Sometimes you need to remove the –. To do that just set files to " "
- Returns
- a list of 2 elements: the return value (0 if no error occurred) and the output of the git command
◆ GitVersion()
GitVersion | target_version | ||
◆ HandleIP()
HandleIP | what_to_do xci_file ip_path repo_path ?gen_dir? ?force? | ||
Copy IP generated files from/to a remote o local directory (possibly EOS)
- Parameters
[in] what_to_do can be "push", if you want to copy the local IP synth result to the remote directory or "pull" if you want to copy the files from thre remote directory to your local repository [in] xci_file the .xci file of the IP you want to handle [in] ip_path the path of the directory you want the IP to be saved (possibly EOS) [in] repo_path the main path of your repository [in] gen_dir the directory where generated files are placed, by default the files are placed in the same folder as the .xci [in] force if not set to 0, will copy the IP to the remote directory even if it is already present
◆ HexVersionToString()
HexVersionToString | version | ||
◆ ImportTclLib()
◆ InitLauncher()
◆ IsCommitAncestor()
◆ IsDiamond()
◆ IsInList()
◆ IsISE()
◆ IsLibero()
◆ IsQuartus()
◆ IsRelativePath()
IsRelativePath | path | ||
◆ IsSynplify()
◆ IsTclsh()
◆ IsVersal()
IsVersal | part | ||
◆ IsVivado()
◆ IsXilinx()
◆ IsZynq()
IsZynq | part | ||
◆ LaunchImplementation()
LaunchImplementation | reset do_create run_folder project_name ?repo_path? ?njobs? ?do_bitstream? | ||
◆ LaunchSimulation()
LaunchSimulation | project_name lib_path ?simsets? ?repo_path? | ||
◆ LaunchSynthesis()
LaunchSynthesis | reset do_create run_folder project_name ?repo_path? ?ext_path? ?njobs? | ||
◆ ListProjects()
◆ Logo()
◆ Md5Sum()
Md5Sum | file_name | ||
◆ MergeDict()
MergeDict | dict0 dict1 | ||
◆ MoveElementToEnd()
◆ Msg()
Msg | level msg ?title? | ||
◆ MsgAndLog()
MsgAndLog | msg ?severity? ?outFile? | ||
◆ OpenProject()
◆ OS()
◆ ParseJSON()
◆ ProjectExists()
◆ ReadConf()
ReadConf | file_name | ||
◆ ReadExtraFileList()
ReadExtraFileList | extra_file_name | ||
◆ ReadListFile()
ReadListFile | args | ||
Read a list file and return a list of three dictionaries.
Additional information is provided with text separated from the file name with one or more spaces
- Parameters
[in] args The arguments are <list_file> <path> [options] - list_file file containing vhdl list with optional properties
- path path the vhdl file are referred to in the list file Options:
- -lib <library> name of the library files will be added to, if not given will be extracted from the file name
- -sha_mode if not set to 0, the list files will be added as well and the IPs will be added to the file rather than to the special ip library. The SHA mode should be used when you use the lists to calculate the git SHA, rather than to add the files to the project.
- Returns
- a list of 3 dictionaries: "libraries" has library name as keys and a list of filenames as values, "properties" has as file names as keys and a list of properties as values, "filesets" has the fileset' names as keys and the list of associated libraries as values.
◆ Relative()
Relative | base dst | ||
◆ RelativeLocal()
RelativeLocal | pathName filePath | ||
◆ RemoveDuplicates()
RemoveDuplicates | mydict | ||
◆ ResetRepoFiles()
ResetRepoFiles | reset_file | ||
◆ RestoreModifiedFiles()
RestoreModifiedFiles | ?repo_path? ?pattern? | ||
◆ SearchHogProjects()
SearchHogProjects | dir | ||
◆ SetGenericsSimulation()
SetGenericsSimulation | repo_path proj_dir target | ||
◆ SetTopProperty()
SetTopProperty | top_module fileset | ||
◆ WriteConf()
WriteConf | file_name config ?comment? | ||
◆ WriteGenerics()
WriteGenerics | mode repo_path design date timee commit version top_hash top_ver hog_hash hog_ver cons_ver cons_hash libs vers hashes ext_names ext_hashes user_ip_repos user_ip_vers user_ip_hashes flavour ?xml_ver? ?xml_hash? | ||
◆ WriteGenericsToBdIPs()
WriteGenericsToBdIPs | mode repo_path proj generic_string | ||
Applies generic values to IPs within block designs.
- Parameters
[in] mode create: to write the generics at creation time. synth to write at synthesis time [in] repo_path The main path of the git repository [in] proj The project name [in] generic_string the string containing the generics to be applied
◆ WriteGitLabCIYAML()
WriteGitLabCIYAML | proj_name ?ci_conf? | ||
◆ WriteListFiles()
◆ WriteSimListFiles()
◆ WriteToFile()
WriteToFile | File msg | ||
◆ WriteUtilizationSummary()
WriteUtilizationSummary | input output project_name run | ||